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Airsoft Shoppe

Airsoft Guns for Firearms introduction Course Tactical Training and Self Defense simulations.

Airsoft Guns for Firearms introduction Course, Tactical Training and Self Defense simulations is not a new idea. These Airsoft Guns have been used by professionals to hone their skills for years now. If you watch James Keating's Unarmed & Dangerous video, you will notice that is what they are using, and he makes a statement to this effect as well. Gabriel Suarez, the noted tactical shooting instructor and author of a number of books for Paladin Press also feels that the Airsoft Guns have their place in learning close range wok. "There must be some consequences for not doing the technique right" says Suarez, who uses these as trainers for his pistol disarming course.

I have the idea that everyone know what is Airsoft Gun, and Airsoft Gun shouldn’t be mistaken with Airguns which more or less similar in many ways. Airsoft replicates almost 70% of an actual firearm both in appearance and the work mechanics. I am not referring to all types of Airsoft, just one type in particular which is Gas Propelled Airsoft Gun. In the old days, instructor use real firearms to teach their student and most of the time these training were carried out at the shooting range or at the kill house due to safety reasons. Who needs firearms trainings? Military, Law Enforcement, Security officer, Gun Owner, Hobbyist and I would say everybody.

The idea of firearms trainings is always about how to use it and survive. Firearms Safety Rules and Regulations are everything about proper way of dealing with firearms to minimize the course unintentional accident or fatality to ones self and others. We have to know how the firearms work and how to use it effectively. Understanding how the firearms works help us in extending the gun safety measure and maximizing the advantage in use of the guns. Learning the proper technique and tactics will always increase the percentage of survival of the gun operators to achieve the objectives. Doesn’t matter what the objectives are weather is rescuing hostage; defending or safe guarding a person, assigned areas or properties.

Some might suggest that these are not good because you aren't really shooting bullets, in the larger scope of close quarters engagements that the shooting skills honed at the range are only one part of a complex equation. To give and analogy, you need to know math to do engineering, but it is only one component. The Airsoft Guns allow us to examine other aspects of training, many of which are impossible or incredibly dangerous to do with real firearm.

Silat Suffian Bela Diri Essential Gun / Firearm Disarms

For more information please visit their website at http://www.silatsuffian.com
or email Mr. Maul Mornie at maul565@hotmail.com

Though firearms are outside the context of the kobudo arsenal people imagine when they hear "martial arts", they are as much a staple of training for the modern day stylist as the bo and sai were to the student of the classical Okinawan schools. A style can not really speak of being modern without relating to firearms even if just because they are common today, and no matter what the law is, criminals will have them even if the rest of us do not. A well rounded practitioner should be able to fight with and against them, just like all other weapons. The question arises, then, how does one train safely, consistently, and legally while at the same time developing the specific skills needed for close range drawing, shooting, and disarming? One solution we have found is using Airsoft Guns.

Tactical Training for Law Enforcement, Military, Security Personal. The clip shows Tactical Baton, blade and lots of extreme close quarte shooting

For more information please visit their website at http://www.lahner.eu/

Airsoft gun is a perfect simulations tool simply because it is non-lethal, cost effective and it replicates 70% work function of a real firearm. Airsoft help to reduce the gun fear in which often felt by a newbie or a first time shooter. The firearms training can be conduct almost anywhere with minimum safety requirement. Being able to practice in almost anywhere and shooting hundreds of airsoft rounds in the same time it would take you to drive to the range. You'll practice grip, stance, sight alignment and sight picture along with trigger pull and first shot from the holster drills. Plus, you can practice target to target acquisition skills and all, of which, translate to better shooting with live ammo.

Here I have some youtube.com videos from Airsoft Pacific. Hopefully it will help in further understanding the use of Airsoft Gun as a tactical training aid. Airsoft Pacific is a military simulation (MILSIM) based community for discussion, promotion, and organization of Airsoft events and games. They also have a vast collection of airsoft videos, photos, and product reviews. For more information please visit their website at http://www.airsoftpacific.com/

Airsoft Pacific, Close Quarters Combat 6 - Part 1. Airsoft Pacific Close Quarters Combat 6, held July of 2007. AP hosts bi-annual indoor CQC/SWAT style competitions where 6-12 man operator teams face unique challenging scenarios with live actors. This is one of 3 scenarios that 11 teams faced in this year's competition. It's geared toward PMC or private security firms. The mission: protect a Senator


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