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The online airsoft book press.

AirsoftPRESS is the premier information source for airsoft technologies. It has the goal of putting all different kinds of airsoft technologies on the global map by publishing e-books that bring to light the knowledge of airsoft technology innovators. They do not advocate the upgrade and use of airsoft for anything other than its intended purposes of tactical simulation and recreational enjoyment. By entering this site you agree to read, understand, and accept our Terms and Conditions as stated in their website under the "Terms of Use" link.

Who are They.

Members of the AirsoftPRESS editorial team are practicing engineers, technicians and field operators who have been with Airsoft since the era of the S.S. 9000 series and the gas-electric hybrid Jatimatic (W.A. 1986). Being geographically close to the origin of Airsoft enables close contact with the major manufacturers, thus facilitating in-depth and accurate coverage of the hottest "toys of the trade".

What are they unique competitive advantages?

They are close to the source.

As said by Mike their Chief Editor, the ability to have weekly lunch gatherings with the manufacturers' techies allows them to obtain correct answers to the difficult Airsoft questions. This is an advantage no one else in this field can have.

They have been part of the Airsoft industry for over a decade.

Because they are part of the industry, they know what information is really needed, and they make sure our books tell what people really need to know. They do not mind to say bad things about airsoft product that doesn't work, and they will not hesitate to give you hacks and workarounds to difficult airsoft problems. Reading one of our books should be like having an airsoft professional by your side, passing on useful hints whenever you get stuck.

They maintain a clear separation between editorial and advertising.

They constantly insist on the separation between editorial and advertising. Some advertisers had asked for preferential treatment from them before. However, they were all turned down right on the spot. It has been made clear that one doesn't have to be an advertiser in order to get a review however, one does have to have a good product in order to receive positive coverage. In fact, their editors are authorized to freely try out and praise or criticize whatever they see as important to the areas of coverage. The editorial processes are never influenced by any outside party including the manufacturer of the product under review.

for more information or if you are interested in their E-books or publication, feel free to visit their website by just clicking the link below:

The online airsoft book press.
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Firearms Introduction Courses

Part 1

Firearms Safety Rules and Regulations.

Firearms Safety Rules and Regulations is a collection of rules and recommendations that can be applied when handling firearms. The purpose of gun safety is to eliminate or minimize the risks of unintentional death, injury or damage caused by improper handling of firearms.

Gun safety training seeks to instill a certain mindset and appropriate habits by following specific rules. The mindset is that firearms are inherently dangerous and must always be handled with care. Handlers are taught to treat firearms with respect for their destructive capabilities, and strongly discouraged from playing or toying with firearms, a common cause of accidents.

The rules of gun safety follow from this mindset. While there are many variations, the core rules are the same.

The First Rules.

Treat firearms as if they are loaded. This rule is a matter of keeping a certain mindset. The purpose is to create safe handling habits, and to discourage reasoning along the lines of, "I know my gun is unloaded so certain unsafe practices are OK." The proposition "the gun is always loaded" is used as shorthand, even though it may be assumed or even positively known that this is not true of a particular firearm.

Many firearm accidents result from the handler mistakenly believing a firearm is emptied, safety on, or otherwise disabled when in fact it is ready to be discharged. Such misunderstandings can arise from a number of sources such as:

Faulty handling of the firearm. A handler may execute the steps of procedures such as loading, firing and emptying in the wrong order or omit steps of the procedures.

Misunderstandings about a firearm's status. For instance, a handler may think the safety is on when it is not. A round of ammunition may be in the chamber or in the magazine while the handler thinks it is empty. A handler may receive a firearm and assume it is in a certain state without checking whether that assumption is true.

Mechanical failures. Wear, faulty assembly, damage or faulty design of the firearm can cause it not to function as intended. For instance, a safety may have been worn down to a point where it is no longer functioning. Broken parts may have given the firearm a "hair trigger" a situation whereby the firearms have a very sensitive trigger. A dented or bent body of the firearm may cause jams or premature discharge of ammunition. Sensitivity to impact may cause a firearm to discharge if dropped or struck against another object.
If a handler always treats firearms as capable of being discharged at any time, the handler is more likely to take precautions to prevent an unintentional discharge and to avoid damage or injury if one does occur.

The Second Rules.

Point the muzzle away from non-targets. This rule is intended to minimize the damage caused by an unintended discharge. The first rule teaches that a firearm must be assumed to be ready to fire. This rule goes beyond that and says, "Since the firearm might fire, assume that it will and make sure no harm occurs when it does."

A consequence of this rule is that any kind of playing or "toying" with firearms is prohibited. Playfully pointing firearms at people or other non-targets violates this rule. To discourage this kind of behavior, the rule is sometimes alternately stated, "Never point a firearm at anything unless you intend to destroy it."

Two natural "safe" directions to point the muzzle are upwards and downwards. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Firing at the ground may result in a ricochet or cause hazardous fragments to be flung at people or objects. Aiming upwards eliminates this risk but replaces it with the risk that the bullet may cause damage when it comes down to the ground again. Indeed, several accidents have been caused by discharging firearms into the air. It is also possible that the muzzle will inadvertently be pointed at a non-target such as someone's head or an aircraft.

In cases where the firearm is being handled indoors, up and down may not be safe directions. For example, a bullet fired upwards may travel through a ceiling and into an adjacent floor. In indoor areas where firearms will be handled often, a suitably safe direction should be designated. Firing ranges often designate a direction in which it is safe to point a firearm; almost universally this is downrange into a backstop which is designed to contain bullets and eliminate potential ricochets. In armories or other areas where weapons must be handled, a container filled with sand known as a "clearing barrel" or "clearing can" is often used for this purpose.

The Third Rules.

Keep fingers off the trigger. This rule is intended to prevent an undesired discharge. Normally a firearm is discharged by pressing its trigger. A handler's finger may involuntary move for any of several reasons: the handler is startled, a lack of full attention on body movements, physiological reasons beyond conscious control such as a spasm, stumbling or falling, or the finger being pushed by something such as when trying to holster a handgun with one's finger on the trigger. Handlers are therefore taught to minimize the harmful effects of such a motion by keeping their finger off the trigger until the muzzle is pointing at the target and the handler wishes to discharge the firearm.
The trigger guard and area above the trigger of a firearm presents a natural point for a handler to keep their finger out straight alongside the weapon, so as not to violate this rule. A properly indexed trigger finger also helps remind the person holding the firearm of the direction of the muzzle.

The Third Rules.

Be sure of your target and of what is beyond it. This rule is intended to eliminate or minimize damage to non-targets when a firearm is intentionally discharged. Unintended damage may occur if a non-target is misidentified as a target, if the target is missed, or if the bullet hits something or someone other than the intended target.

Handlers are taught that they must positively identify and verify their target. Additionally, they learn that even when firing at a valid target, unintended targets may still be hit, for three reasons:

The bullet may miss the intended target and hit a non-target around or beyond the target.
A non-target may pass in front of the target and be hit with a bullet aimed at the target.
The bullet may pass through the intended target and hit a non-target beyond it, so called "over penetration".

Therefore, this rule requires a handler to be sure of both the target itself and anything along the avenue of travel to and beyond the target.

This may create situations that present dilemmas for a handler. Such situations are for instance a police officer in a riot, a civilian facing a possible intruder at night, or a soldier in a situation where civilians are near the enemy. Indecision or misjudgment of the handler's abilities in such a situation may cause undesired outcomes, such as injury to the handler due to hesitation, or the handler violating rules of engagement and causing unintended damage.

Training is used to minimize the risk of such outcomes. Target practice increases the precision with which the handler can discharge the firearm and thus increase the chances that the intended target is hit. Education about terminal ballistics gives the handler knowledge about the characteristics of a bullet after a target is hit. This knowledge coupled with insight into the handler's own capabilities makes it easier for the handler to make appropriate decisions about whether to discharge or not, even if given little time and/or put under severe stress.

Ammunition can be chosen to reduce the risk of over penetration; see Terminal ballistics, Stopping power, and Hollow point bullet.
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SRC Taiwan
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Airsoft Shoppe

Airsoft Guns for Firearms introduction Course Tactical Training and Self Defense simulations.

Airsoft Guns for Firearms introduction Course, Tactical Training and Self Defense simulations is not a new idea. These Airsoft Guns have been used by professionals to hone their skills for years now. If you watch James Keating's Unarmed & Dangerous video, you will notice that is what they are using, and he makes a statement to this effect as well. Gabriel Suarez, the noted tactical shooting instructor and author of a number of books for Paladin Press also feels that the Airsoft Guns have their place in learning close range wok. "There must be some consequences for not doing the technique right" says Suarez, who uses these as trainers for his pistol disarming course.

I have the idea that everyone know what is Airsoft Gun, and Airsoft Gun shouldn’t be mistaken with Airguns which more or less similar in many ways. Airsoft replicates almost 70% of an actual firearm both in appearance and the work mechanics. I am not referring to all types of Airsoft, just one type in particular which is Gas Propelled Airsoft Gun. In the old days, instructor use real firearms to teach their student and most of the time these training were carried out at the shooting range or at the kill house due to safety reasons. Who needs firearms trainings? Military, Law Enforcement, Security officer, Gun Owner, Hobbyist and I would say everybody.

The idea of firearms trainings is always about how to use it and survive. Firearms Safety Rules and Regulations are everything about proper way of dealing with firearms to minimize the course unintentional accident or fatality to ones self and others. We have to know how the firearms work and how to use it effectively. Understanding how the firearms works help us in extending the gun safety measure and maximizing the advantage in use of the guns. Learning the proper technique and tactics will always increase the percentage of survival of the gun operators to achieve the objectives. Doesn’t matter what the objectives are weather is rescuing hostage; defending or safe guarding a person, assigned areas or properties.

Some might suggest that these are not good because you aren't really shooting bullets, in the larger scope of close quarters engagements that the shooting skills honed at the range are only one part of a complex equation. To give and analogy, you need to know math to do engineering, but it is only one component. The Airsoft Guns allow us to examine other aspects of training, many of which are impossible or incredibly dangerous to do with real firearm.

Silat Suffian Bela Diri Essential Gun / Firearm Disarms

For more information please visit their website at http://www.silatsuffian.com
or email Mr. Maul Mornie at maul565@hotmail.com

Though firearms are outside the context of the kobudo arsenal people imagine when they hear "martial arts", they are as much a staple of training for the modern day stylist as the bo and sai were to the student of the classical Okinawan schools. A style can not really speak of being modern without relating to firearms even if just because they are common today, and no matter what the law is, criminals will have them even if the rest of us do not. A well rounded practitioner should be able to fight with and against them, just like all other weapons. The question arises, then, how does one train safely, consistently, and legally while at the same time developing the specific skills needed for close range drawing, shooting, and disarming? One solution we have found is using Airsoft Guns.

Tactical Training for Law Enforcement, Military, Security Personal. The clip shows Tactical Baton, blade and lots of extreme close quarte shooting

For more information please visit their website at http://www.lahner.eu/

Airsoft gun is a perfect simulations tool simply because it is non-lethal, cost effective and it replicates 70% work function of a real firearm. Airsoft help to reduce the gun fear in which often felt by a newbie or a first time shooter. The firearms training can be conduct almost anywhere with minimum safety requirement. Being able to practice in almost anywhere and shooting hundreds of airsoft rounds in the same time it would take you to drive to the range. You'll practice grip, stance, sight alignment and sight picture along with trigger pull and first shot from the holster drills. Plus, you can practice target to target acquisition skills and all, of which, translate to better shooting with live ammo.

Here I have some youtube.com videos from Airsoft Pacific. Hopefully it will help in further understanding the use of Airsoft Gun as a tactical training aid. Airsoft Pacific is a military simulation (MILSIM) based community for discussion, promotion, and organization of Airsoft events and games. They also have a vast collection of airsoft videos, photos, and product reviews. For more information please visit their website at http://www.airsoftpacific.com/

Airsoft Pacific, Close Quarters Combat 6 - Part 1. Airsoft Pacific Close Quarters Combat 6, held July of 2007. AP hosts bi-annual indoor CQC/SWAT style competitions where 6-12 man operator teams face unique challenging scenarios with live actors. This is one of 3 scenarios that 11 teams faced in this year's competition. It's geared toward PMC or private security firms. The mission: protect a Senator

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MilSPEX Product

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ES-MS 2000 A.C.M

A.C.M RED Dot Scope ES-MS 2000
Product Brand - A.C.M
Product Code - ES-MS 2000
Price (USD) - $50.00
Status - Out of Stock
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System Parallax Free, Reflex, Collimator System
Magnification: No magnification (1X)
Eye relief Unlimited, No centering required
Reticle, size Red dot, diameter 8 MOA*

Battery Type: One 3 Volt (2032)
Battery Life: 50-100 hours average.
Switch, dot brightness 8 positions, of which 7 Extra Bright

Length: 130 mm (5.1")
Width/height: 55 mm (2.2")
Ring width Max: 30 mm (1.2")
Weight: 200 grams (7.1 oz)

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ES-RD 3000 A.C.M

A.C.M RED Dot Scope ES-RD 3000
Product Brand - A.C.M
Product Code - ES-RD 3000
Price (USD) - $40.00
Status -
Out of Stock
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System Parallax Free, Reflex, Collimator System
Magnification: No magnification (1X)
Eye relief Unlimited, No centering required
Reticle, size Red dot and Green dot, diameter 8 MOA*

Battery Type: One 3 Volt (2032)
Battery Life: 50-100 hours average.
Switch, dot brightness 8 positions, of which 7 Extra Bright

Length: 130 mm (5.1")
Width/height: 55 mm (2.2")
Ring width Max: 30 mm (1.2")
Weight: 200 grams (7.1 oz)

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A.C.M MAC 10 Gas Blow Back SMG G11
Product Brand - A.C.M
Product Code – MP5K A.C.M GBB G11 Black Item NO:8002-022
Price (USD) - $60.00
Status - Out of Stock
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A.C.M Gas Blow Back SMG G11 replicates the MAC-10 made by Military Armament Corporation Model, is a highly compact, blowback operated machine pistol developed by Gordon B. Ingram in 1964. It is a simple, low-cost design with few moving parts, making it easy to manufacture and maintain. The compactness and high rates of fire for these weapons are between 1,090 to 1,145 rpm for the M-10 and 1,200 rpm or more for the M-11 / M-11A1. Their small size made them difficult to fire accurately in full auto, and this, when combined with their high rate of fire, made control challenging; this was a key factor in their never finding much success with the military. However, they did see limited service in Vietnam with Special Forces.
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A.C.M G55 MP5K Gas Blow Back SMG
Product Brand - A.C.M
Product Code – MP5K A.C.M GBB G55 Black Item NO:8002-024
Price (USD) - $60.00
Status - Out of Stock
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In 1976 a shortened version of the MP5A2 was introduced; the MP5K which is K from the German word Kurz = "short"; was designed for close quarters battle use by clandestine operations and special services. The MP5K does not have a shoulder stock and the bolt and receiver were shortened at the rear. The resultant lighter bolt led to a higher rate of fire than the standard MP5. The barrel, cocking handle and its cover were shortened and a vertical foregrip was used to replace the standard handguard. The barrel ends at the base of the foresight, which prevents the use of any sort of muzzle device. The MP5K is produced by Heckler & Koch and under license in Iran and Turkey in four different versions: the MP5K, MP5KA4, MP5KA1, MP5KA5, where the first two variants have adjustable, open-type iron sights and the two remaining variants - fixed open sights, however the front sight post was changed and a notch was cut into the receiver top cover. The MP5K retained the capability to use optical sights through the use of an adapter.
A civilian semiautomatic derivative of the MP5K known as the SP89 was produced that had a foregrip with a muzzle guard in place of the vertical grip. In 1991 a further variant of the MP5K was developed, designated the MP5K-PDW that retained the compact dimensions of the MP5K but restored the fire handling characteristics of the full-size MP5A2. The MP5K-PDW uses a side-folding synthetic shoulder stock, a “Navy” trigger group, a front sight post with a built-in tritium insert and a slightly lengthened threaded, three-lug barrel. The stock can be removed and replaced with a receiver endplate.
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ARMY R27 MEU 1911
Full Metal Pistol
Product Brand - ARMY China
Product Code – MEU 1911 ARMY R27 Black
Price (USD) - $60.00
Status - Out of Stock
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ARMY R27 MEU 1911
Full Metal Pistol
Product Brand - ARMY China
Product Code – MEU 1911 ARMY R27 Gold
Price (USD) - $90.00
Status - Out of Stock
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ARMY R27 MEU replicates the MEU(SOC) pistol, officially designated Pistol, Caliber .45, MEU(SOC), is an air-cooled, magazine-fed, recoil-operated, single-action, semiautomatic handgun chambered for the .45 ACP cartridge. It is based on the original M1911 design by John Browning, and has been the standard-issue side arm for the Force Recon Element of the United States Marine Corps Marine Expeditionary Units from 1985 to today.


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M1911A1 BELL

BELL M1911A1 EG723
Full Metal Pistol
Product Brand - Bell China
Product Code – M1911A1 BELL EG 723 GOLD
Price (USD) - $60.00
Status - Out of Stock

BELL M1911A1 EG723
Full Metal Pistol
Product Brand - Bell China
Product Code – M1911A1 BELL EG 723 Black
Price (USD) - $60.00
Status - Out of Stock
Click the picture for larger image

BELL M1911A1 EG720
Hard Plastic Pistol
Product Brand - Bell China
Product Code – M1911A1 BELL EG 720 Item NO:6164-047
Price (USD) - $60.00
Status - Out of Stock
Click the picture for larger image



"The 1911 .45 ACP pistol has a mystique that is unmatched by any other pistol. Its owners are devoted to it. It continues to be chosen by SWAT, special forces, and competitive shooters despite challenges by newer designs and technologies. It is a cultural icon and symbol of America at its combative best. Yes, it's a combat sidearm, not a pocket gun or a concealment piece. It was designed for the Army in an era when the cavalry rode into battle on horses. Created by John M. Browning at the turn of the Twentieth Century, the 1911 was the climax of a series of autoloader designs which culminated in the adoption by the Army of the M1911 in the year from which it took its name. It is perhaps the most loved, studied, and enduring pistol design of all time."© 2008 The Sight M1911 (http://www.sightm1911.com/).


M1911A1 BELL EG 723 Review

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